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Re: PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios

From: Chris Snyder
Subject: Re: PATCH: Allow setting of arpeggio type for spanned arpeggios
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 13:47:13 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090105)

Joe Neeman wrote:
> In general, the best approach is to nag us from time to time. If we
> don't like the patch, we'll say so; if you get no response, your email
> probably just got stuck under a pile of other stuff.

I was guessing that that was the case, given its proximity to the
release of 2.12. I tried to nag as gently as possible, given my
inexperience with this project.

> That said, I'm not sure why this patch is necessary. I see that the
> prebaked commands like \arpeggioBracket don't work on span arpeggios,
> but the following does "work" without your patch:
> [...]
>     \override Score.Arpeggio #'stencil = #ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-slur
> [...]
> I put "work" in quotation marks because the result looks quite horrible.
> I think this is what the documentation meant when it said that
> cross-staff arpeggios don't work with the slur-like look (unlike the
> other sorts of brackets, the slur brackets take up more space when they
> go cross-staff and this space isn't accounted for).

Your example does make the issue more clear to me - it looks like the
issue could also be solved by changing the
\arpeggio[Bracket|Parenthesis|etc.] command, which overrides the
property on Arpeggio instead of Score.Arpeggio. Changing those
predefined commands, however, would have the adverse effect of altering
arpeggios on different staves even when they are not being connected.

Perhaps the solution lies in the documentation: how about adding
information on altering spanned arpeggios using explicit \override's
instead of the macros? If that sounds like a good plan, I'm willing to
write the necessary instructions and examples.


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