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Re: names of vertical spacing dimensions

From: Valentin Villenave
Subject: Re: names of vertical spacing dimensions
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 11:42:18 +0200

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 9:42 AM, David Kastrup <address@hidden> wrote:
> Let me put it bluntly: the new scheme cements the decision to make
> markups and titles have the same spacing.

Greetings David,

Quoting Mark (the man through whom the scandal cometh!) in the very
first mail in this thread,

Obviously not all markups are titles, but all titles are
markups, right?

> A score followed by a title needs a solid amount of spacing and is an
> excellent position for a page break.
> A score followed by an editorial note "* this may be f# instead" needs a
> small amount of spacing and is an awfully bad position for a page break.
> If those cases are treated the same, it is a bug.  We are now
> transplanting this bug from the code into the user interface where it
> will be rather cemented.

Fair point. However I don't remember LilyPond having the ability to
print footnotes (or proper endnotes, for that matter) *at all*.

Perhaps we're looking at this the wrong way, and that would be because
"markup" is such a vague term in LilyPond. Basically, anything and
everything can be done through markups (as Mark sensibly reminded us,
even "titles" are actually markups).

My point is, (speaking from a purely user-perspective, btw): your
suggestion seems valid to me, but worded in a manner (differentiating
"titles" and "markups") that is a bit confusing -- since, from what I
gather, what you're really trying to distinguish is
"official-markup-that's-defined-as-a-title" and
(well, I can understand the need for a single word :)

As you said, we need to have different levels of hierarchy, and
ideally, a scheme where we could add as many levels as we'd like.
-> Perhaps we could use HTML naming? h1-spacing, h2-spacing,
h3-spacing, hn-spacing,... etc? (where h1 would be the book title, h2
the piece title, etc.)
-> Perhaps we could give a number as a parameter? markup-1-spacing,
markup-2-spacing, etc. (and possibly add something like
markup-unprioritized-spacing, like, for endnotes/footnotes) ? Anyway,
as you said yourself, this may very well be a GLISS discussion

(.2$, obviously)


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