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Re: make check currently fails (, commit7bcdd37be15ece09cd97

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: make check currently fails (, commit7bcdd37be15ece09cd97841137b075a576bbe696)
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 13:47:33 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 10:46:15AM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Percival"
> <address@hidden>
> >I have reverted that commit; the build should behave as usual now.
> >I'll take another look at this tomorrow, and we'll go through
> >another "patch countdown" for whatever new patch we have.
> I reckon this problem would go away if we adopted the "hide output
> if QUIET_BUILD is defined" - but I would like to discuss this, as
> stated earlier.  I'll hold off any further work pending this.

I'd like to treat
  lilypond-book --redirect-lilypond-output
as a separate feature request from how (if at all) we use it in
the lilypond build system.  I mean, some people use lilypond
inside their own build systems (see today's message on -user about
makefiles), and it would be useful to do more debugging+testing of
--redirect-lilypond-output before re-proposing using it in our
build system.

For example, here's an excerpt of the pre-reverted

    if redirect_output:
        stdout_filename = ''.join([log_file, '.log'])
        stderr_filename = ''.join([log_file, '.err.log'])
        stdout_setting = open(stdout_filename, 'w')
        stderr_setting = open(stderr_filename, 'w')

    proc = subprocess.Popen (cmd,

... yeah.  No wonder Reinhold saw a 0-byte .err.log file!

You missed it, I missed it, and the entire development community
missed it in the 48-hour patch countdown process.  Stuff happens;
there's no value in making a big deal out of it.  We just think
about how it happened, and consider adjusting our safeguards.
(in this case, I think it falls within the bounds of "occasional
error" and there's no need to adjust our patch policies)

While looking at this, I was a bit confused about stdout_setting:
 139     stdout_setting = None
 141     if not show_progress:
 142         stdout_setting = subprocess.PIPE
 144     if redirect_output:
 147         stdout_setting = open(stdout_filename, 'w')

... what's the final value of stdout_setting for any given set of
function arguments?  ok, when I've isolated those lines, it's not
too hard to track -- but I'm wondering if a more "functional
programming" approach might be easier to read.  Namely, "binding
variables", meaning "you can only assign a value to each variable
once".  I think a nested if:else: construct might make it easier
to track what the final value of stdout_setting is going to be.

Could I interest you (or anybody else) in re-submitting a patch
for the
  lilypond-book --redirect-lilypond-output
feature?  Given the past few days, I'm optimistic that we'll see
more interest in reviewing that patch.  Then once we finally *do*
settle on a general policy for build system output, we've got all
(or at least some more?) of the "building blocks" that would be
needed to implement that policy.

- Graham

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