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Re: how to create baroque ornaments

From: Valentin Villenave
Subject: Re: how to create baroque ornaments
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 10:51:37 +0200

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Reinhold Kainhofer
<address@hidden> wrote:
> It seems we have so many really great third-party packages (Valentin's,
> Nicolas', mine, Gilles' \extractMusic, etc... probably I'm not even aware of
> some other great ones). I think we should think about a general way to promote
> and/or include those.


> Things I can imagine / think of (brainstorming):
> -) Add a "Third-party extensions" section in the documentation with links and
> a short description about endorsed third-party packages

That should be quite easy to do.

> -) A third-party subdirectory in the git source tree. Available to users with
> \include "thirds-party/package/" to indicate these are not officially
> supported by the core developers, but are still distributed together with
> lilypond as a service to the users.

This is already the case with some of the include files.

> -) Or try to include as much of the currently external code into the stock
> lilypond distribution, like we did with the articulate script.

Much of the code you're referring to has to do with source files
organization. You're creating (from what I can tell) a new syntax as a
superset on top of LilyPond's ordinary syntax; Nicolas' scores rely on
a specific tree/subdirectories organization (and even has the ability
to involve makefiles), and mine is something else altogether. I guess
it's okay for each of us to have our own logic and peculiarities, but
I'm doubtful if this can be merged upstream.

However, we surely do have some functions that can be separated from
the rest of our frameworks, and submitted for inclusion upstream. As a
good-citizen-wanabee, I have been trying to exact some of these myself
but apart from a couple it tends to rely on a lot of additional

I'm all for having a list (or even a "universe" or "contrib"
repository) of these packages, and perhaps we could even work on some
common guidelines to get some sort of a "standardized" Lilypond
package architecture.


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