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Re: Allows for framing comments in LilyPond backends. (issue 5450086)

From: Ralf Mattes
Subject: Re: Allows for framing comments in LilyPond backends. (issue 5450086)
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 15:51:15 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.132 (Waxed in Black)

On Sun, 04 Dec 2011 10:12:55 +0000, mtsolo wrote:

> Reviewers: ,
> Message:
> Hey all,
> I'm working on a piece w/ scripted SVG, and this'll make it easier for
> me to parse the file in Python and move things around.  Try it with:
> \relative c' {
>    \override NoteHead #'framing-comments = #'("NoteHead coming up." .
>    "NoteHead finished.") \repeat unfold 16 { f }
> }
> Then use the svg or ps backend and look for these comments.

Sorry, but I think this a rather uggly and hackish solution.
You treat comments as meta-markup in a markup language. Kind of against 
the purpose, isn't it?  (And I have a nagging feeling that you try to
process xml with regular expressions instead of xpath/xtransform. 
Something considered a "bad idea" ... ;-)
I'd be more that happy with the possibility to mark thing in the xml
output, but why not a lily:marker attribute? 
BTW, your patch is pretty fragile: try the following:

\relative c' {
   \override NoteHead #'framing-comments = #'("NoteHead coming up." .
   "--> look here") \repeat unfold 16 { f }

Cheers, Ralf Mattes

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