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Re: lilypond-book on windows

From: catchall
Subject: Re: lilypond-book on windows
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 11:00:03 +0000
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Quoting Graham Percival <address@hidden>:

I'm going to pursue to the docs in more detail now.

- Graham

I honestly don't think it's a good use of time pursuing this. To recap. The failing part is the bit Reinhold added to detect linewidth - and at the time, this was added solely to tidy up the lilypond documentation which is never built on windows. As an ugly side-effect, it imported subprocess, which caused our installation to fail as missing msvcrt. For a reason I don't understand, we started shipping msvcrt in the last few releases, so all other things being equal, windows users could run lilypond-book except for this linewidth detection. To get the linewidth detection to work, windows users will need to install texi2pdf - I've only spent 5 minutes looking and can't find an obvious source. (texi2html can't work - there's no such thing as page width in html - generally the text fills the browser window). So - to make it worthwhile doing anything other than commenting out this code for windows users, we at least should be sure texi2pdf exists for windows.

The other aspect to this is that lilypond-book hasn't been working on Windows for months and I believe we had one "complaint". Using TeX on windows doesn't seem to me to be something most users would do - if I was writing a book, I'd do it in Word and paste the images from lilypond in. So it's really not worth prioritising any more.

Trevor and I - both windows users, I believe - agree that the code should be skipped for windows users - why don't we just do this?

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