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Re: markup-commands rest-by-number and rest (issue 6850073)

From: thomasmorley65
Subject: Re: markup-commands rest-by-number and rest (issue 6850073)
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 00:41:14 +0000

On 2012/11/27 20:03:06, benko.pal wrote:

> Did you had a look on the compiled output of the new reg-tests?

no.  could you push to a dev/ branch?

Sorry. I'm still a newbie in devel tasks.
Especially with the tools needed for it.
Imagine that I tried to upload my new patch this evening. It lasted over
4 hours before I managed to _upload_ it.
And it was wrong. I had to do it again.
A hundred times (wasn't, but it feels like) I had to start again. Most
of the  mistakes were typos in git, which I couldn't correct. Two times
I corrupted my build-directory, so I had to start from scratch.
Or I produced a [PATCH 1/2] and I have no clue why, or why not the next
time I tried.
etc., etc

I remember trying to checkout a dev/ branch. It resulted in a messed up
So no, I don't know how to push a dev/branch and currently I feel not
motivated to learn it.

But in case this will change, do you have a hint where to look to learn
not alone about dev/branch but to deal with git? Something like git for
dummies would be suitable.

> The main question is:
> If there are no defined glyphs for a specific style,
> should I try to select others (currently tried)
> or
> should I return default-glyphs (I suspect this would be much
> Opinions?

I don't exactly know what is style and how is it set.  I thought it's
a local
property of your new command and must be set explicitly by the user;
in this
case you can either declare that petrucci is an invalid style or make
sure that
setting petrucci is read as setting mensural.  in other words,
petrucci to mensural once and for all in the beginning.

style _is_ a local property, but I tried to make it consistent with the
style-property from \note-by-number, \note and the usage in \override
NoteHead #'style ... and \override Rest #'style ...

petrucci is now translated to mensural.

I don't know whether it's relevant or not, but (in the default style)
there's a
ledgered variant for breve rest too (though not for longa).

I decided not to use it, _because_ there are no ledgered variants for
longa and maxima.
If wanted, this could be changed quite easily.

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