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Re: GUB update

From: Masamichi HOSODA
Subject: Re: GUB update
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 00:14:21 +0900 (JST)

> The principle with GUB is that it has details of all the packages it uses,
> and by issuing the 'make bootstrap' command, it goes and gets all the
> packages it needs, and all their dependencies, and builds them all from
> scratch.  The problem I believe I now have is that gcc 4.8 has a new
> dependency: GMP, the multi-precision library. I believe this is a dependency
> from the newer version of MPFR that gcc 4.8 requires.
> I assume what is happening here is that the manual install places the mpc
> libraries where the gcc configur can't find them.  In any case, doing this
> manually defeats the object of a self-building package builder.  So what
> would be really helpful would be for someone who understands all the python
> stuff that GUB does could point me to how to add the new dependency to GUB
> for MPC.

How about this branch?

I've uninstalled Ubuntu's gmp/mpfr/mpc by the following commands.

sudo apt-get --purge remove libmpc-dev
sudo apt-get --purge remove libmpfr-dev
sudo apt-get --purge remove libgmp-dev

And, I've changed gub to use tools::gmp, tools::mpfr, tools::mpc
for gcc building.
Then, I've succeed to build mingw::cross/gcc and linux-x86::cross/gcc.

I haven't build for other platforms yet.
However, I'd succeed to build for linux-64, freebsd-x86, freebsd-64 platforms.

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