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Re: GSoC 2017

From: ul
Subject: Re: GSoC 2017
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2017 08:54:23 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.2.0

Hello Matthew,

thank you for your interest in LilyPond!

Am 2017-03-02 07:02, schrieb Matthew Sedam:
Hello everyone!

My name is Matthew Sedam, and I am interested in LillyPond for Google
Summer of Code 2017. I am particularly interested in the "Adopt the SMuFL
music font encoding standard" idea.

This would be a good thing, because it would promote LilyPond one step further towards fully adhering to common standards.

I would like to know what progress, if
any, has been done on this project.

I must admit the progress to this mainly is that it is by now generally accepted to be a good idea (when SMuFL was initially announced there had been some reservations against the idea of supporting it), and that we put it onto our GSoC ideas page. In addition there has been some investigation into the matter of notation font handling, which is mainly visible through the fact that LilyPond now *does* natively support the use of alternative fonts, so a few people do know something about it.

I also would appreciate any help
defining this project so I can write an effective proposal. I am new to
LillyPond development, but I have used the program many years ago.

The first thing will be to get an idea about what happens when LilyPond uses glyphs from the notation font. How does it locate the font, how does it identify the glyph to choose? And on the other side, how is the notation font created during LilyPond's build process? I think this is what you'll want to go for first, as a basis to shape a project description.

I assume that Werner Lemberg and Abraham Lee will have to say some more on the technical parts of this project

Best wishes

Any help would be appreciated! I am really excited about working on

Thank you,

Matthew Sedam
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