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Re: Google SoC

From: Carl Sorensen
Subject: Re: Google SoC
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 21:19:27 +0000
User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/


On 3/30/17 8:33 AM, "Winston, Charles R." <address@hidden>
>Anyway, I would love for either of you to pass my draft proposal on to
>the list. It can be found here:
>Of course, thanks again for all the help. I welcome any and all feedback
>to improve this, and really hope to get to work on this in the summer!

Thanks for sharing your proposal.  It's a great start.

The major challenge I see with the proposal right now is that it's
somewhat superficial.  It could have been written by someone who just read
what's available on the mailing list, and doesn't reflect much
understanding of what goes on under the hood in LilyPond.  I realize that
getting in to LilyPond is a big undertaking, but I think you could make
the proposal shine if you had a bit more clarity on how your work will fit
within the greater aspect of LilyPond.

For example, your midterm goal is to complete the implementation of the
new representation.  But what does that mean?  When the implementation is
complete, what will we see?  Does it change any input or output?  If it
doesn't, how will we know that the implementation is complete?

Note that I'm not arguing that you need to have input or output by the
midterm deadline.  I'm just asking some questions to try to help you
clarify what "implementation is complete" means.  The more specific you
can be, the better we will be able to judge your ability to complete the

Let me know if you have more questions.



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