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Re: two LSR questions

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: two LSR questions
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 17:44:56 +0100 (CET)

>> I'd suggest to upgrade your lsr-software to run LilyPond-2.20.
>> Then I'll send you the updated tarball with all snippets.
> OK, so you are updating the description and the snippets to the new
> version.
> It might be a good occasion to fix the UTF-8 problem.  We could
> empty the text part in the database and reload the new descriptions
> and snippets correctly.
> But the tarball won't work--it merges all fields.  Maybe you could
> dump the database.

Not sure it helps, but attached you can find the current version of my
perl script to extract all LSR (approved) doc snippets (which get
normalized to proper texinfo code using the `pandoc` program).  It
also creates a dump file of all snippets in the database (omitting the
binary fields).

# Written 2019 by Werner Lemberg <address@hidden>

##                                                                         ##
## To allow easy diff comparison with the files from the existing LSR      ##
## snippets tarball, this script currently refrains from some formatting   ##
## improvements.  However, it already contains lines marked with XXX that  ##
## should be deleted or added (as described) after the diffing process has ##
## been performed.                                                         ##
##                                                                         ##

# Usage:
#   perl < lsr.mysqldump > lsr.txt

# This script does two things.
# * Extract all approved documentation snippets from the daily SQL database
#   dump of the LilyPond Snippet Repository (LSR) available at
#   The files are created in the current directory; its file names are
#   derived from the snippet titles.  Additionally, various files named
#   `winds.snippet-list' or `connecting-notes.snippet-list' are created that
#   list the snippets grouped by tags assigned in the database.
#   Note that `approved documentation snippets' is a subset of the available
#   snippets in the LSR.
# * Write a text dump of all snippets (omitting binary fields) in the SQL
#   database dump to stdout.

use 5.14.0; # We use `s///r'.
use strict;
use warnings;

# Access mysqldump files without the need of mysql tools.
use MySQL::Dump::Parser::XS 0.04;
# Use `pandoc' for converting HTML documentation to texinfo format.
use Pandoc;

pandoc or die "'pandoc' executable not found";

# We open the LSR database dump in binary mode since it contains PNG images.

my $parser = MySQL::Dump::Parser::XS->new;

# Parse input and store all table entries in the `%tables' hash as arrays.
my %tables;

while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
  my @entries = $parser->parse($line);
  my $table_name = $parser->current_target_table();

  push @{$tables{$table_name}} => @entries if $table_name;

# Function:  Convert tag and file names, similar to the code in the original
#            Java implementation used to extract LSR snippets.  We
#            additionally remove (simple) HTML tags.
# Arguments: $s    String to be manipulated.
sub convert_name {
  my ($s) = @_;

  # Remove HTML start and end tags.
  $s =~ s| < /? [a-zA-Z0-9]+ .*? > ||gx;

  # Translate some characters not generally allowed in file names.
  $s =~ tr[* /:<>?|_;\\]

  # Remove some problematic characters entirely.
  $s =~ s/[()"']+//g;

  # Convert to lowercase.
  $s = lc($s);

# Access entries of `tag' table and build a hash `%tags' to map ID numbers
# onto the corresponding tag names.
my $tag_table = $tables{"tag"};
my %tags;

for my $entry (@{$tag_table}) {
  $tags{$entry->{"id"}} = convert_name($entry->{"name"});

# Access entries of `snippet' table.
my $snippet_table = $tables{"snippet"};
my @column_names = $parser->columns("snippet");

my %snippet_lists;

# Function:  Replace numeric tags with its names.  Tag fields in the snippet
#            table are called `id_tag0_tag', `id_tag1_tag', etc.
# Arguments: $idx      Index.
#            $entry    Reference to snippet table hash.
sub use_tag_name {
  my ($idx, $entry) = @_;

  if (defined($entry->{"id_tag${idx}_tag"})) {
    my $tag = $entry->{"id_tag${idx}_tag"};
    $entry->{"id_tag${idx}_tag"} = $tags{$tag};

# Function:  Store snippet file name in the `%snippet_lists' hash (as a
#            sub-hash entry so that we can easily check later on whether it
#            is approved).
# Arguments: $idx         Index.
#            $filename    File name.
#            $entry       Reference to snippet table hash.
use constant APPROVED => 1;

sub add_to_snippet_list {
  my ($idx, $filename, $entry) = @_;

  if (defined($entry->{"id_tag${idx}_tag"})) {
      = $entry->{"approved"} == APPROVED;

# The next loop over all snippet entries does the following actions.
# * Add a new field `filename' to the snippet table, containing file names
#   derived from snippet titles.
# * Replace tag IDs with tag names.
# * Fill the `%snippet_lists' hash.
for my $entry (@{$snippet_table}) {
  if (!defined($entry->{"title"})) {
    my $id = $entry->{"id"};
    my $filename = "snippet-$";

    warn "snippet $id has no title; using '$filename' as file name\n";

    $entry->{"filename"} = $filename;
  else {
    $entry->{"filename"} = convert_name($entry->{"title"}) . ".ly";

  # There are seven tag fields per entry in the snippet table.
  for my $idx (0 .. 6) {
    use_tag_name($idx, $entry);
    add_to_snippet_list($idx, $entry->{"filename"}, $entry);

# Write snippet lists.
for my $list (keys %snippet_lists) {
  # Skip unassigned tags (i.e., lists without entries).
  next if !keys %{$snippet_lists{$list}};

  my $filename = "$list.snippet-list";
  open(my $fh, ">", $filename) || die "Can't open $filename: $!";

  # Ignore file extension while sorting file names.
  for my $snippet (sort { my ($aa, $bb) = map { s/\.ly$//r } ($a, $b);
                          $aa cmp $bb;
                        } keys %{$snippet_lists{$list}}) {
    # Only take approved snippets from the `docs' category.
    if (defined($snippet_lists{"docs"}->{$snippet})
        && $snippet_lists{"docs"}->{$snippet} == APPROVED) {
      print $fh "$snippet\n";

  close($fh) || warn "Can't close $filename: $!";

# Function:  Clean up data entries.
# Arguments: $data    Data to be manipulated.
sub normalize_text {
  my ($data) = @_;

  # Make line endings uniform.
  $data =~ s/(\015\012?|\012)/\n/g;

  # Remove trailing (horizontal) whitespace from every line.
  $data =~ s/\h+$//gm;

  # Remove leading and trailing empty lines.
  $data =~ s/^\n+//;
  $data =~ s/\n+$//;

  return $data;

# Function:  Convert HTML data into the texinfo format.
#            We pre- and post-process the HTML data sent to and received
#            from the `pandoc' converter, respectively.
#            Pre:
#              * Convert `<samp>...</samp>' to `#samp#...#/samp#' since
#                `pandoc' would swallow these tags unprocessed otherwise
#                (tested with version 2.6; note that pandoc's `raw_html'
#                extension has no effect since the texinfo writer ignores
#                it).
#              * Ditto for `<var>...</var>'.
#              * Escape backslashes and double quotation marks with a
#                backslash since everything has to be emitted as LilyPond
#                strings (we do this before calling pandoc to avoid too long
#                texinfo source code lines).
#              * Convert a full stop followed by two spaces to `#:#' since
#                `pandoc' would swallow the second space otherwise.  [This
#                wouldn't be a problem in the final PDF or HTML output,
#                however, it improves the snippet source code: Editors like
#                Emacs use a double space after a full stop to indicate the
#                end of a sentence in contrast to a single space after an
#                abbreviation full stop.]
#            Post:
#              * Remove unusable texinfo node references to `Top'.
#              * Convert `#samp#...#/samp#' to `@samp{...}'.
#              * Convert `#var#...#/var#' to `@var{...}'.
#              * Convert `#:#' back to a full stop followed by two spaces.
#              * Replace ``...'' with `@qq{...}'.
#            Note that we don't check whether there is a paragraph boundary
#            between opening and closing HTML tag (ditto for ``...'').
# Arguments: $s    String to be manipulated.
sub html_to_texinfo {
  my ($s) = @_;

  $s =~ s|<samp\h*>(.*?)</samp\h*>|#samp#$1#/samp#|sg;
  $s =~ s|<var\h*>(.*?)</var\h*>|#var#$1#/var#|sg;
  $s =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
  $s =~ s/"/\\"/g;
  $s =~ s/\.  /#:#/g;

  $s = pandoc->convert("html" => "texinfo", $s, "--columns=71");

  $s =~ s/\@node Top\n\@top Top\n\n//;
  $s =~ s|#samp#(.*?)#/samp#|\@samp{$1}|sg;
  $s =~ s|#var#(.*?)#/var#|\@var{$1}|sg;
  $s =~ s/#:#/.  /g;
  $s =~ s/``(.*?)''/\@qq{$1}/sg;

  return $s;

# Start and end of the documentation section of a snippet.
use constant DOC_PREAMBLE => <<~'EOT';
  \version "2.18.0"

  \header {

# XXX add empty line after brace
use constant DOC_POSTAMBLE => <<~'EOT';

# Emit all approved snippets from the `docs' category as files.
for my $entry (@{$snippet_table}) {
  my @lsrtags = ();
  my $is_docs = 0;

  # Collect tags in array `@lsrtags' (except tag `docs', which all of our
  # snippets have set).
  for my $idx (0 .. 6) {
    if (defined($entry->{"id_tag${idx}_tag"})) {
      if ($entry->{"id_tag${idx}_tag"} eq "docs") {
        $is_docs = 1;
      else {
        push @lsrtags => $entry->{"id_tag${idx}_tag"};

  # Skip non-documentation snippets.
  next unless $is_docs;
  # Skip unapproved snippets.
  next unless $entry->{"approved"} == APPROVED;

  my $filename = $entry->{"filename"};
  open(my $fh, ">", $filename) || die "Can't open $filename: $!";

  print $fh DOC_PREAMBLE;

  # XXX print $fh '  lsrtags = "' . join(", ", sort @lsrtags) . '"' . "\n\n";

  my $texidoc = html_to_texinfo(normalize_text($entry->{"text"}));
  print $fh '  texidoc = "' . "\n"
            . $texidoc . "\n"
            . "\n" # XXX remove
            . '"' . "\n";
  # XXX add . "\n";

  # The title gets stored as a LilyPond string, too.
  my $doctitle = html_to_texinfo(normalize_text($entry->{"title"}));

  # No newlines in title.
  $doctitle =~ s/\n+$//;
  $doctitle =~ s/\n/ /g;

  print $fh '  doctitle = "' . $doctitle . '"' . "\n";

  print $fh DOC_POSTAMBLE;

  # Finally, emit the LilyPond snippet code itself.
  print $fh normalize_text($entry->{"snippet"}) . "\n"
            . "\n"; # XXX remove

# We want to see the constructed file name in the LSR text dump also, so add
# it to the array of column names.
push @column_names => "filename";

# Emit a text dump of all snippets (sorted by snippet ID) to stdout.
for my $entry (sort { $a->{"id"} <=> $b->{"id"} } @{$snippet_table}) {
  for my $name (@column_names) {
    # Ignore binary data.
    next if $name eq "image";
    next if $name eq "largeimage";

    # Ignore unset fields.
    next if !defined($entry->{$name});

    my $tag = "$name: ";
    print $tag;

    my $data = normalize_text($entry->{$name});

    # Insert a prefix to indicate continuation lines for nicer reading.
    my $prefix = " " x (length($tag) - 2) . "| ";
    my $n = 0;
    $data =~ s/^/$n++ ? "$prefix" : $&/gme; # Skip the first match.

    print "$data\n";

  print "\n";

print "END OF DUMP\n"

# eof

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