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Re: "Extra" verses

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: "Extra" verses
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 18:05:34 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

I would recommend latex-book. A simple example could look somewhat like:


  % Use the automatic numbering, but start after verse 2:
  % Use \item to start each new verse
  % Break lines with \\
\item First line\\
  second line

\item New verse \\
  new line


assuming that you already have written a separate file with
the actual music. You could also include the lilypond input directly
in the file if you want to keep it together, see the manual.

However, from my experience as a choir singer, would definitely
recommend you to typeset all the verses directly in the score.
Unless it's a trivial tune that you can learn i 2 minutes, you
have to jump back and forth between the music and the lyrics if
it's typeset below the score.


Ruth Ivimey-Cook wrote:

I am trying to set out a number of songs, and some of them have several verses. One option is, of course, to lay out the verses under the notes, but this gets ugly with more than about 2 verses. The normal alternative is to put additional verses in "poem" style under the music. Does doing this imply shifting to lilypond-book mode? Has anyone a template I could use for that (I am not much good at TeX!)



Ruth Ivimey-Cook <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>


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