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RE: Ties in second endings

From: Fairchild
Subject: RE: Ties in second endings
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 20:05:56 -0500

Graham -
Here's a trim-down of the thread, for sticking in the manual, in the section on ties, or repeats, or both.  Edit to suit.
There ought to be a better way that makes the tie more pronounced, but a simple way eludes me.
                      - Bruce


Ties are not normally continued into second endings, but a standard trick is to add a tie from an invisible note.  One way is to make the invisible note a grace note.  In that way, it doesn't destroy the rhythm.

\version "2.4.6"
\layout{ raggedright = ##t }
\relative c' {
\repeat volta 2 { f g a2 ~ }
\alternative {
{ a4 g2 f4 }
{ \grace{ \hideNotes a4~ } \unHideNotes a g2. }


-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Percival [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 6:00 PM
To: Fairchild
Cc: lilypond-user Mailinglist; 'Peter Mogensen'
Subject: Re: Ties in second endings

On 21-Sep-05, at 4:25 AM, Fairchild wrote:

> Thanks.  Your two alternatives should make the docs, maybe Tips and
> Tricks.

Well, you know how to do that.  You can add it to the LSR or the
lilypond wiki,
or write some text and copy the example and send it to me for inclusion
the manual.

- Graham

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