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Re: Fingering position in polyphony face to sharp glyph. Bug?

From: Torsten Hämmerle
Subject: Re: Fingering position in polyphony face to sharp glyph. Bug?
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2018 05:25:24 -0700 (MST)

Hi Harm,

Yes, fingerings are quite a large construction zone (and right hand
fingerings or string numbers as well).
Issue 3692 hasn't been solved yet, and your examples show that there is also
a general dot collision problem for right fingerings.

When increasing snap-radius, fingerings may overlap when forced into one
vertical column.

Thomas Morley-2 wrote
> I tried to Y-center the Fingering-stencil.
> […]

This is pretty much what I did (using a much more primitive hard-coded
markup just to see the effect).
This centering at least solves the accidental interaction problem, but it is
only one step of many.

And of course the LilyPond coding should be corrected without having to
manipulate the stencil.

All in all, fingering placement is awfully challenging, using standard
interfaces and avoiding collisions with anything that might get into the way
(other fingerings, right hand fingerings, string numbers, accidentals, dots,
scripts, ties, slurs, …)

In any case, your examples add another level of difficulties, as the close
notehead positions require additional vertical shifting of fingerings and
dots. Phew...

All the best,

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