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Re: Incorrect cropping when integrating score with lyluatex

From: Claire Meyer
Subject: Re: Incorrect cropping when integrating score with lyluatex
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2020 13:22:57 +0200

> So this is an issue with manual vertical spacing in LilyPond, not wirt lyluatex.
> Unfortunately I've never really been familiar with this, so someone else should step in.
I'm not familiar with it neither :/

> I don't know if overriding the Y-extent of the dynamics will help here.
I've tried to look that up, but I'm lost about how to do it.

> HTH anyway
It does, thank you very much. It doesn't solve the problem, but it narrows it down, so yeah :)


On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 12:09 PM Urs Liska <> wrote:
So this is an issue with manual vertical spacing in LilyPond, not wirt lyluatex.

Unfortunately I've never really been familiar with this, so someone else should step in.

The underlying issue is that LilyPond isn't really aware of the actual extent of the system when cropping. This happens when you move items around by overridindǵ their extra-offset properties but seems an issue too ehen pushing around the staves themselves.

I don't know if overriding the Y-extent of the dynamics will help here.

ursHTH anyway

Am Sonntag, den 30.08.2020, 11:57 +0200 schrieb Claire Meyer:
Hi Urs,

Huh !
> This will give you one cropped pdf plus a number of indexed pdf files for each system. The cropping issues should be visible there too and might give some more clues for understanding the issue.
Yep, a 100%. I attached the outputs for one system where the problem is visible; one from lilypond, one from lilypond + lyluatex. The cropped pdf with all systems has no cropping issue.

Is there anything else I can provide  ?

On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 11:26 AM Urs Liska <> wrote:
Hi Claire,

I'm not sure how the manual vertical positioning interacts with the cropping, but you can test further  by inserting 
  \include "" in your file.
This will give you one cropped pdf plus a number of indexed pdf files for each system. The cropping issues should be visible there too and might give some more clues for understanding the issue.

The most common cause for such cropping issues would be (not in your case) moving stuff with extra-offset, which is then not included in the obkjects' X/Y-extent.


Am Sonntag, den 30.08.2020, 11:12 +0200 schrieb Claire Meyer:
Hi all,

I'm integrating a score with latex via lyluatex. The .ly file is finished, and gives no error; the score produced looks good, and I'm at the step where I just integrate with latex, and touch up the things that need retouching. I insert system by system, and unfortunately, some dynamics are mostly cropped out :

The scribble between the two systems is a dynamic mark that applies to the lower system. I looked in the temporary files generated by lyluatex, and the pdfs are cropped in such a manner that all my higher-placed-within-the-system dynamics are mostly removed.

Those dynamics are all custom dynamic marks that I constructed like :

mydyn = \tweak DynamicText.self-alignment-X #LEFT
#:with-dimensions '(0 . 5) '(0 . 0) #:line
(#:normal-text #:italic "<whatever my dynamic mark says>")))

They were badly placed with automatic placement (overlapping with the phrasing slurs, mostly), so I specified in my score for those dynamics that :

\new Dynamics \with {
\override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 6)
(minimum-distance . 5)
(padding . 3)
(stretchability . 6))
} { \dynamicsA }

Any idea how to solve that problem ? I tried to include everything relevant to not just code dump things here, but ask away if I forgot something.


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