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grace, appoggiatura or acciaccatura? and at the beginning of the first m

From: Kenneth Wolcott
Subject: grace, appoggiatura or acciaccatura? and at the beginning of the first measure?
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 21:48:57 -0800


  I have two (only two at this time!) misunderstandings on how to
properly engrave ornamental notes.  The grace (?) notes are slurred
(so not a grace note?) and occur at the beginning of a bar.

Now the syntax: \grace { note(s) } followed by regular notes.  This
makes sense because the appoggiatura syntax and the acciaccatura have
only one note allowed prior to the "regular" notes.

But the grace notes are not slurred?

Why does the time signature get displayed after the "grace" notes as
well is the beginning of the staff where it should be?

I'm looking in Learning and Notation regarding grace, appoggiatura or
acciaccatura.  I do not understand how to resolve this conundrum.

I have attached two screenshots of what I am using as a model to learn
how to engrave with and the result I'm getting. from.png is the
example I'm using, and result.png is the result.

Ken Wolcott

Here's my Lilypond code:

\version "2.20.0"

global = {
  \language "english"
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

lh = \fixed c, {
  \clef bass

  \grace { e16 fs gs } a1                   | % m1
  \grace { e16 fs gs } a1                   | % m2
  \grace { e16 fs gs } a4-. a4-. a4-. a4-.  | % m3
  \grace { e16 fs gs } a4-. a4-. a4-. a4-.  | % m4

Attachment: from.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: result.png
Description: PNG image

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