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Acciaccatura question/issue

From: jh
Subject: Acciaccatura question/issue
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 16:33:11 -0600
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.4.12

using 2.22.2 in fresco, my very old understanding of grace and acciaccatura is that they receive no duration value in a measure. the following Minimal example using forget for accidentals when compiled allows only 3 quarter notes in a 4/4 bar. I changed the 8ths in the acciaccatura to 16ths in case that was the problem but that's not the solution.
<ges' ces es>4^\markup {IX}<f bes d><es aes ces><d aes bes><es f bes>
       \acciaccatura {\times 2/3 {aes16 ges aes}} <d, f bes>4
       \acciaccatura {\times 2/3 {aes'16 ges f}} <ces es ges>4
\acciaccatura {\times 2/3 {ges'16 f d}} <es ges bes>4\fermata\bar "||" d'8 f es16 ces bes8 aes ces bes16 ges f8 es4 ~ <es,, es''>\bar "||"

So what don't I understand?

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