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Make a page list

From: Matthias Teege
Subject: Make a page list
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 11:40:10 +0200


i've setup a small Lout style for laser labels. But it
works only for one page. Haw can I hook into the simple
Page List so that if one page is full the next one is taken.

The "mtgetikett" is a simple copy of the doc style. There
are only small changes with margins.

Here the code: 

@SysInclude { mtgetikett }

import @BasicSetup

def @EqualWidth right x { 50c @Wide x  } # believe it or not ;-)

def @EtikettContentPlace { @Galley }

def @Etikett into { @EtikettContentPlace&&following }
  right x { lines @Break { x }}

def @EtikettRow {
3.6c @High @HExpand {
        white @Colour @Box linewidth { 0.0000c } @EqualWidth @VExpand {
                black @Colour @EtikettContentPlace
        white @Colour @Box linewidth { 0.0000c } @EqualWidth @VExpand  {
                black @Colour @EtikettContentPlace
        white @Colour @Box linewidth { 0.0000c } @EqualWidth @VExpand  {
                black @Colour @EtikettContentPlace

def @EtikettList {
   @EtikettRow // @EtikettList

def @EtikettMesse
  named @Artikel {}
  named @Bezeichnung {}
  named @Preis {}
 @Artikel //0.3c
 -2p @Font { @Bezeichnung } //0.3c
 { 1 2.3 } @Scale { BarCode Base 13p } @Font { address@hidden }
 { Helvetica Base 15p } @Font { @Preis }
 ||0.1c -8p @Font { DM }
 @InitialFont { Helvetica Base 14p }

@Text @Begin
@Etikett { @EtikettMesse 
             @Artikel {110006} 
             @Bezeichnung {Holzschlitten, 20x10x4cm} 
             @Preis {2.95}}
@Etikett { @EtikettMesse 
           @Artikel {112024} 
           @Bezeichnung {Fuellstiefel, 2fach sortiert} 
           @Preis {2.50}}

Vielen Dank

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