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Re: Newbie: section numbering option

From: Andrea Taverna
Subject: Re: Newbie: section numbering option
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 13:48:55 +0100

Ok, here's an example file (content is from Wikipedia...):


        @Title {Example of a document with misaligned bold words}
        @Author {Tavs}
@Begin @DP
In calculus, a branch of mathematics, the derivative is a measure of how
a function @B changes as its input changes. 
Loosely speaking, a derivative can be thought of as @B how much a
quantity is @B changing at a given @B point. For example, the derivative
of the position (or distance) of a vehicle with respect to time is the
instantaneous velocity (respectively, instantaneous speed) at which the
vehicle is traveling. Conversely, the integral of the velocity over time
is the vehicle's @B position. @PP
The derivative of a function at a chosen input value describes the best
linear approximation of the function near that input value. For a
real-valued function of a single real variable, the derivative at a
point equals the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the function
at that point. In @B higher dimensions, the derivative of a function at
a point is a linear transformation called the linearization.[1] A
closely related notion is the differential of a function.
@End @Section

Here's my customized report setup file

@SysInclude { langdefs  } # language definitions
  @SysInclude { bsf             } # BasicSetup package
  @SysInclude { dsf             } # DocumentSetup package
  @SysInclude { reportf         } # ReportSetup extension

  @Include { mydefs }

 @Use { @BasicSetup
    @InitialFont        { Times Base 12p } # initial font
 @ParaGap               { 1.2s @OrIfPlain 1f    } # gap between

@Use { @DocumentSetup
   @TopMargin           { 2.5c  @OrIfPlain 6f   } # top margin of all
   @FootMargin          { 2.5c  @OrIfPlain 6f   } # bottom margin of all
   @OddLeftMargin       { 3.5c  @OrIfPlain 10s  } # left margin of odd
   @OddRightMargin      { 3.5c  @OrIfPlain 10s  } # right margin of odd
   @EvenLeftMargin      { 3.5c  @OrIfPlain 10s  } # left margin of even
   @EvenRightMargin     { 3.5c  @OrIfPlain 10s  } # right margin of even
   @OddLeftBodyMargin   { 0.5c                  } # extra margin for
page body
   @OddRightBodyMargin  { 0.5c                  } # extra margin for
page body
   @EvenLeftBodyMargin  { 0.5c                  } # extra margin for
page body
   @EvenRightBodyMargin{ 0.5c                   } # extra margin for
page body

@PageHeaders    { Titles                } # None Simple Titles NoTitles

  @OddTop               { @Null} # Simple page headers
   @OddFoot             { @Centre @PageNum}
   @EvenTop             { @Null}
  @EvenFoot             { @Centre @PageNum}                     
   @StartOddFoot        { @Centre @PageNum}
   @StartEvenFoot       { @Centre @PageNum}             

   @RunningOddTop  { @MajorTitle @Right @I @MinorTitle}
   @RunningEvenTop { @MajorTitle @Right @I @MinorTitle}

@Use { @ReportSetup
   @CoverSheet                  { No            } # make cover sheet
   @TitleFont                   { Bold  20p     } # title font
   @SectionNumbers              { Arabic} # kind of section numbers

@SysDatabase @FontDef  { fontdefs }               # font definitions
@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle }               # reference printing

1) Compile the file above with given setup file.
2) Recompile it with the default report setup.

*Some* of the bold words, depending on where the paragraph breaking
occours, should appear misaligned in the output of *both* compilations.

3) Recompile the file with the customized setup file. Bold words should
be aligned correctly.
4) Recompile the file with the default setup. Words are still correctly
To reproduce the problem delete *.li and *.ld files and repeat steps 1,2



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