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Re: [Ltib] Set autoconf and friends PATH in Spec File

From: Andy Yew
Subject: Re: [Ltib] Set autoconf and friends PATH in Spec File
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 23:30:09 +0800

Dear Mike

It seems like mtd-utils do have 2 spec files BUT they do not link to each other. Did you mean to use one of them, or two of them, if for my case the inotify-tools? Could you be slightly more specific? I could notice one spec file having "make -j1" and the other having "make -C"... is this a clue?

I've tried to "./configure --host=arm-linux" in the source and do "make". However, it does not have the binary files (eg inotifywait and inotifywatch). Thus, i created a tmp folder in my home and "./configure --host=arm-linux --prefix=/home/lucid/tmp" and do BOTH "make" and "sudo make install". I got the final binary/library files in ~/tmp/. NEVERTHELESS, i copied them to the target system and the binary files could not be executed. Where did i do wrong?


On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Mike Goins <address@hidden> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Andy Yew <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> How to direct ./ltib to use the build system autoconf/automake/friends via
> spec file? Could anyone provide a short example??
> I'm currently compiling inotify-tools and it's stucked in aclocal part. My
> LTIB seems to "see" old autoconf and automake, i suppose that LTIB is
> looking at /opt/freescale/ltib/usr/bin, which consists very old autoconf and
> friends. Please suggest a syntax of pointing LTIB to the latest version of
> autoconf and friends...

One method.
Create s secondary spec file in the same folder.
Add this to config/platform/host/pkg_map
./ltib --hostcf -p <name>

See mtd-utils as an example.

I suspect that if host autotools are changed, some other things may
break.  One of the reasons for the inotify-tools patch was to get
around requiring newer versions.  Sorry I wish I had more info on what
I was doing at the time, but it was years ago.

Last resort.  I  think that inotify-tools cross-builds easily outside
of ltib since it does not have many (if any) dependencies.  Just run
configure with --host set and make.  Pull the required binaries out of
the build instead of running make install.

> Thanks
> Andy
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