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Re: [lwip-users] CHAR_BIT=16?

From: FreeRTOS Info
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] CHAR_BIT=16?
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 13:02:25 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:8.0) Gecko/20111105 Thunderbird/8.0

On 23/11/2011 12:27, Simon Goldschmidt wrote:
> Kieran Mansley <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Yes, I think the 16-bit int is likely to be the biggest hurdle.  It is
>> something we should really try and improve with lwIP, but progress is likely
>> to be slow.
> Things like this are hard to change when you don't have corresponding 
> hardware. I'd love to see a patch that fixes this to see if we can integrate 
> it.

I don't think a 16 bit int would cause too much of a problem, with some
inspection/effort.  I believe, however, the OP said it was a 16 bit
char, which leads me to think he is probably using a DSP, which would
definitely cause a problem.  Maybe definitely is too strong a word, but
as the original reply said, making it work would probably require a
large effort.


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