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Re: [lwip-users] Simultaneous GET requests to HTTP Server

From: Simeon Trifonov
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] Simultaneous GET requests to HTTP Server
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 14:40:46 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.2.0

Simon, you gave me a great advice. I knew that I have to check my code and I made this many times unfortunately without result by now. But your words "check your code if there's something that could overwrite these fields..." focused my think in another direction. When I want to give a frame (received by the HW) to the stack, I reserve memory for a PBUF_REF buffer, then set the "payload" pointer to the frame (I want to avoid one more copy) and call the function input(). When the function input() returns, I release the memory for the buffer. Now I simply commented out the release of the memory and the device works without any problem even with 6 parallel GET request. All seems to work perfect, looking in the Wireshark logs. Of course it works until all the memory is consumed. I don't really know why this solved the problem, but probably I release the memory too early and the stack still use it, meantime the same memory is allocated again and used from another function. But now it comes the other question. When I have to release the memory for this buffer? How could I know when the stack has finished his work with it? Can you give an advice?


On 21.6.2017 г. 13:52 ч., Simon Goldschmidt wrote:
Simeon Trifonov wrote:
I' looking in the content of the corresponding pcb, especially the member 
"unacked". Here is what I see:
The variable "len" seems to be ok - 1460. The pointer "p" points the buffer with "len" 
set to 54 and "tot_len" set to 1514.
This seems to be correct too. The pointer "next" is valid (not null), so it 
must point the rest of the frame (1514 bytes).
I don't want to include your screenshots again, so I'll try to do without.
What you see is a segment of 1460 bytes of user data (unacked->len). Now that 
segment has already been sent, so the pbufs contain
headers (ETH, IPv4, TCP = 54 bytes). These are stored in an extra pbuf so the 
whole frame is 1514 bytes long.

In theory, the first pbuf of this segment is OK (len=54, tot_len=1514), but the 
next should be len=tot_len=1460, so definitively,
there is something wrong.

At first sight of such problems, I always assume violation of lwIP's threading 
requirements (don't call into the core code from
more than one thread or from thread + interrupt). But this also could be 
something completely different.

What's strange is that the pbuf's type, ref and payload seem to be OK but the 
len not. My best suggestion is try to check your code
if there's something that could overwrite these fields...


lwip-users mailing list

Simeon Trifonov
Head of department "Development"

AMK Drives and Controls Ltd.
Bulgaria / Gabrovo

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E-Mail:  address@hidden
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