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Re: [Lynx-dev] How stable is 2.9.0?

From: Bela Lubkin
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] How stable is 2.9.0?
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2022 18:29:02 -0700

> > You should leap forward and then report any issues, so that they will
> > cease being issues.
> My experience has been that my idea of an issue doesn't always line up
> with a software project's idea of an issue.  (But I do expect that the
> two will line up better in lynx's case.)
> The effort involved in a leap forward is rather high, though.  I don't
> know how soon I'll find the round tuits for it.

Unless you've linked your own C code into a mutant Lynx-relative binary,
the effort should be small.  Just `configure;make;make install` (with a
bunch of testing in between the two `make` steps, of course).  There
shouldn't be breaking changes in command-line flags or anything like
that which would mess you up...

The 'bunch of testing' part must be where you've stashed all the
negative tuits.  But it should Just Work, so you start in on testing, go
'wow, this is a waste of time', install, and go from there...


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