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[Monotone-devel] Several questions

From: Michel Rasschaert
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Several questions
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 17:51:41 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.2


First I must say that I find monotone really great on a lot of aspects and
it looks very cleanly designed.

However I have several questions which I hope somebody will be able to
answer :)

- Is it (or will it be) possible to fetch a partial image of a depot ? I
understood that when you do a monotone fetch $url, monotone get all
packets from the depot. It might not be necessary in several case (for
example if i just want to make a patch for monotone I am probably not
interested in getting the full history of the project). A good start would
be able to fetch only the heads of a specific branch (or maybe all

- Is there a plan to have a libmonotone to allow easy development of other
clients (think gui or ide plugins). Granted this could be done today by
interfacing with the command line but this is clumsy (is it ?). However if
this library exists I hope it will be licensed under the LGPL to allow
buisness to take a more serious interest in monotone.

Thanks for your answer :)

PS: I hope there will be a win32 version of monotone so I can use it at
work !

Michel Rasschaert

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