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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Branch naming conventions

From: Brian P. Campbell
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Branch naming conventions
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 04:22:08 -0500

On Dec 12, 2004, at 3:00 AM, Nathan Myers wrote:

How about "Zebulon Carter, 411 Grant Rd., Eugene, Oregon, USA".
Awkward and unfamiliar, isn't it?  Of course, Russia does it the
other way, but I'm not sure what side that argues for.  UK e-mail
addresses used to be half-big-endian, back in the 80s -- user name on
the left, but big-endian domain on the right; they seem to have given
those up.  Likewise UUCP paths, on both counts.

There are examples of both little- and big-endian naming systems in all kinds of fields. There's no real reason to prefer either one intrinsically, but big-endian matches how we sort numbers and words, so it's somewhat natural to extending that to other things we want to sort. As has been pointed out, people frequently put names of people into big-endian form to make sorting easier. And while written addresses are in a little-endian representation, for zip codes we use big-endian representation. Dates (in the US), are mixed M/D/Y, while elsewhere they are little endian, but time is big-endian. When defining standard date and timestamp formats, however, people generally make the dates big-endian for clarity and consistency.

It seems to me that in general, it's fairly arbitrary what is chosen when there are a fixed number of fields, but when you can keep adding more, the direction it can be extended in must match the direction text goes. For instance, in specifying location, people use a little endian system, since you can always specify a superset of a location. "Zebulon Carter, 411 Grant Rd., Eugene, Oregon, USA, North America, Earth, Sol, Milky Way" etc. But when the specifiers need to get more specific as you add more on, you use a big endian system (like filesystems). I think this may be part of the reason why people generally don't use domain names very hierarchically; it's an unnatural order, to have things extend in the opposite direction from the way text is read.

Or maybe I'm just making stuff up. I don't really know. But it seems to me, somehow, that big-endian is better for branch names than little-endian, although I agree that the reversed domain name style is awkward. I think that URIs, or URIs without a scheme, would work much better. Actually, URIs without a scheme could just be arbitrary / separated hierarchies with the convention that the first element is the domain name of the entity that "owns" the branch.

Incidentally, it was a big mistake in Java to use domain names at all,
just as it's an equally big mistake to use any trademarked name in a
C++ namespace name.  Software changes ownership frequently, domain
names moreso.  If there's something worse than having some defunct
company's name plastered all over your source files (and your
customers'), it _might_ be having it unalterably in the branch names
of your SCM.  But I don't understand monotone well enough to know
whether this could actually be a nuisance.

I don't think this would be a problem in monotone. If the company changes, or changes domain, or whatever, just create a branch with the new name. Problem solved. You'll have lots of certs of the old code being in the old branch, but it seems pretty reasonable to keep track of where the code came from. None of the new commits will happen to the old branch, so the only place you'll notice it is in the history. This is much better than naming classes with the domain name, where that fixes an API that other people depend on, and can only be fixed with a global search and replace.

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