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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Certificates for files

From: Daniel Vogelheim
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Certificates for files
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 23:37:45 +0200

Hi Bruce,

You wrote:
>> So what one really wants in such projects is: A facility where
>> people can mark their respective work with certain
>> properties. (Where the graphic artists, translaters, etc. could sign
>> off their portions of the program.) Plus a way to query which files
>> in the current release are so marked. (Where a release engineer can
>> find out whether the release is ready, and which parts of it.)
>Isn't that the kind of thing I was suggesting, more or less?  (That's
>certainly what I meant.)

Yes, it is. On re-reading, I guess I rather misinterpreted your post.
I understood you to say that the given use case was a rare occurence,
and just wanted to point out that I consider it a frequent problem, on
large projects at least.  Sorry for the confusion. :-/  But since I
was trying to support the use case, agreement is good... :-)

>What I'm suggesting isn't so useful (although there *are* some uses)
>is marking a blob of data independent of a revision.

Hmm, could someone clarify for me: Does monotone already allow
certificates for file contents/blobs?

The manual only seems to mention certs for revisions, so I was under
the impression that it doesn't. Hence my suggestion to certify
subtrees by creating pseudo-revisions and certifing those.


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