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Re: [Monotone-devel] "Address family not supported by protocol"

From: Nathaniel Smith
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] "Address family not supported by protocol"
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 21:02:16 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11

On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 01:54:47AM -0600, address@hidden wrote:
> Hi.  A error message told me to post a copy of itself here.
> The summary is that "monotone --db=~/libs/monotone-archive.db serve 
> 10.9\9.99.3
> 1:5253 com.dlsemc.intranet" chokes and won't start up in 0.25

Basically, two problems here:
  -- the syntax for 'serve' has changed; instead of taking the
     host/port to bind to as a required positional argument, by
     default it will simply bind to the default port on all
     interfaces.  To override this, you now say --bind=[HOST][:PORT].
     This is described in the UPGRADE and NEWS documents, which are
     strongly recommended reading when you upgrade monotone; we're
     working hard on making things better, but this means things
     sometimes change underfoot, and we make sure that those files
     always describe what's happened in a nice readable form.

     So, yes, it was interpreting your host name as a branch name.

  -- Secondly, to make things extra confusing, there's a bug in 0.25,
     where if you _don't_ pass a --bind argument, it will attempt to
     bind to the IPv6 version of localhost (in addition to your IPv4
     version).  And if you don't have IPv6 support, it will crash and
     burn instead of just degrading silently.  This is the cause of
     your error message.  (This bug is fixed in mainline.)  The
     workaround is to continue to pass an explicit host address.

So in summary, try:
  monotone --db=whatever serve --bind= com.dlsemc.intranet
And let use know if that doesn't work :-)

-- Nathaniel

.i dei jitfa fanmo xatra

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