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Re: [Monotone-devel] OS-specific line endings

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] OS-specific line endings
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2010 20:51:48 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; de; rv: Gecko/20100512 Thunderbird/3.0.5

Am 03.07.10 18:37, schrieb Stephen Leake:
> is written by Quartus, using OS-specific line endings. So
> when I rebuild on the other OS, 'mtn status' reports a bogus change;
> only the line endings have changed.
> project.qsf is written by me, and by Quartus (because it assumes I'm
> using the GUI to edit options, even though I'm actually using Emacs).
> Again, 'mtn status' reports bogus changes.
> I can invent an attr 'os_line_endings', and add a function to the
> 'attr_functions' hook to change the file line ending on workspace
> update. But that doesn't fix the bogus changes reported by 'mtn status'.
> In fact, it makes it worse; I only get the bogus changes now when I
> actually run Quartus. The same workspace contains Ada code, which I
> compile far more often. With this attr, I'll get bogus changes all the
> time.

I'm for implementing a --no-whitespace option to diff to ignore all
whitespace changes (line endings, indentation, etc.) - this should solve
the main problem. I meant to work on this, but couldn't find time for it
until now.

And then, we could of course invent and implement a custom attribute,
like mtn:native_eol, and mangle the line endings in attr_init_function.


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