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[Monotone-devel] Re: project status

From: Gour
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: project status
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 10:09:23 +0200

On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 22:41:44 +0200
>>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Keller <address@hidden> wrote:

Thomas> Not quite, mdoc has its own subleties and while its dubbed to
Thomas> be more "exact" markup, some things are just a little harder to
Thomas> do than in a hacked-together man version. I can give more
Thomas> details on demand here, but basically I'm concerned that I'm
Thomas> putting too much effort into the technical side of the
Thomas> implementation than in the actually important one
Thomas> - the documentation side.

Here I'm not so much concerned about the content, just suggesting that
having one documentation source might be helpful (I've already written
about Pandoc, reST markup, sphinx etc.)

Thomas> We'd appreciate that!

I see that one can used tools like poedit/Emacs for doing translation

Thomas> Corporate identity, i.e. new logo and derived website /
Thomas> documentation design, which is then also easier applicable on
Thomas> different media and different sizes / aspect ratios.

I must say that the present design is quite OK with me with the
exception of wiki part...Well, I must confess that I'm not great fan
of wikis in general thinking they pwovide too un-structured

For my own project I plan to use some 'standard' markup (like
markdown/reST) and keep all docs under DVCS which is
generated/rendered via tool like Pandoc into html/help/pdf/man

If people want to contribute, it's not so difficult to send a patch.



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: F96FF5F6

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