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Re: FLTK refresh required

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: FLTK refresh required
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:57:19 -0400

On Jul 28, 2013, at 3:16 PM, Rik wrote:

> 7/28/13
> Ben,
> With Michael's, yours, and my latest changeset (hg id =
> 17099::a033fd3669c0) I now get the following.
> hf = figure ();
> get (hf, 'position')
> ans =
>   304   215   560   380
> Is this the right answer?  I measured the Y-height of the canvas and it is
> indeed 380 pixels between the bottom of the menubar and the top of the 
> toolbar.

Its better than the result on MacOSX.  At least for Linux the plot canvas size 
matches the figure's position property.

However, the height should be 420 pixels.  There's a bug report on this at the 
link below.


And a different one for MacOSX at the link below.


I'm able to fix the MacOSX problem using pre-processor stuff, but don't plan on 
pushing that since I expect both problems have the same root cause.  I've been 
fiddling with the code, but haven't found a proper solution.

> Also, do we have hidden assumptions about the presence of the menubar and
> the toolbar in these calculations?  A figure object has two properties,
> "menubar" and "toolbar", which are supposed to control whether these
> objects are visible.  I don't like the menubar so I tried to use
> set (0, "DefaultFigureMenubar", "none")
> but apparently we aren't respecting this property yet.

My impression is that both the menubar and the toolbar should be constructed on 
the m-file side of things.  For that to be possible a uicontrol foundation 
needs to be added to the fltk toolkit.


> Instead, I hacked figure.m and just commented out the creation of the menubar.
> if (strcmp (get (f, "__graphics_toolkit__"), "fltk"))
> #__add_default_menu__ (f);
> endif
> Now if I run the same test I get a window without a menubar, but the
> position returned is the same.
> hf = figure ();
> get (hf, 'position')
> ans =
>   304   215   560   380

If you leave the menubar hidden, the fltk toolkit should render the figure 
correctly.  I haven't tried it, but I'd just modify show_menubar () so that it 
doesn't actually do anything.

  void show_menubar (void)
    if (!uimenu->is_visible ())
        canvas->resize (canvas->x (),
-                       canvas->y () + menu_h,
                        canvas->y (),
                        canvas->w (),
                        canvas->h ());
-       uimenu->show ();
-       mark_modified ();


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