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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] imu sensor filtering?

From: Chris
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] imu sensor filtering?
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 08:29:02 +0300
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I started with IR sensors, i know how to use them very well and it will be my last resort.
I think it will fly alright as it is now that vibrations are 1 m/s pp.
You are right about vibrations traveling through the air and i am afraid that the remaining portion of vibration propagates through the air so i will need an acoustic isolation also.
No worries I think  MoonGel will do the job.
I haven't tried to use an engine mount with vibration absorbers because the engine is a tight fit, there is no room for the vibration dampers unless i decide to dive in and start modifying the nose of the aircraft.

On 05/22/2013 07:57 AM, address@hidden wrote:
Hi Chris,
do you think that you can fly with the old IR sensors?
If you don't fly in clouds, fog, rain or small valleys it works well and
has no problems with vibrations.
Perhaps this is also a solution to test damping in real flights.
Have you used a hydro mount system for the combustion engine?
Same vibrations can also be transported by the air.
Good luck with yours experiments.

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