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Woooow! debugging.....

From: Alberto Curro
Subject: Woooow! debugging.....
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 02:28:14 +0200

Hash: SHA1


  Just reached another full compiling of my CVS copy (checkout'd two days 
ago). This time, I've downloaded the source for Clanlib 0.6.3 from its 
website, and the sources for the external libraries. I've recompiled every 
library (only libxml2 and freetype are binaries from their own websites) 
adding debug info when necesssary.

  Now, I can do _real_ debug over the pingus code.  At least! :)

  BTW, I've done some changes on the code, mainly by the infamous C4786 M$ 
warning. I'm just doing a diff over the present CVS copy.

 Also changed the workspace/project, as I've to add some new files.

 The first difference now : the game crash in the beginning, but I cannot see 
a window (CL_ConsoleWindow, suppose) with this message 

PingusError: Controller: config file <../doc/mycontroller.xml> not found
Error: PingusError: PingusError: Controller: config file 
<../doc/mycontroller.xml> not found

  In this case, the solution is clear. I guess need this file, and it's not 
present in cvs....

  But if I do a    pingus.exe > output.txt

  In the console window (the little window behind the main) I can see this : 

PingusError: Couldn't Open: stat\config
PingusError: Couldn't Open: stat\config
BasePath: data
PingusMain::start screen manager
XXXXXXXX ScreenManager::push_screen
PingusError: Controller: config file <../doc/mycontroller.xml> not found
Error: PingusError: PingusError: Controller: config file 
<../doc/mycontroller.xml> not found

 What is a _great_ difference with the previous situation. Now I have more 
information about what's happening in the background, and added to the debug 
possibilities give me much possibilities to find the present error at 

  Ah! one major change. I had to change the file src/Input/controller.cxx to 
src/Input/input_controller.cxx. That's because MSVC can compile both two 
files as it output the same file (Debug/controller.obj); changed its name, 
now it compile flawlessly.

  I have added to workspace/project the src/Input/ files, the gui.cxx from 
src/Gui and some others from src/Editor needed to link fine. When necessary 
(input, for example) created new folders in the project for the new files.

  Also added new preprocessor defines (as HAVE_LIBCLANVORBIS or 
HAVE_CLANSOUND), and fixed some things that previously gave me little 
headaches and I know how to handle now.

  I'm attaching with this message the new workspace & project files, and the 
output from the cvs diff command, too. Hope it help.


    Alberto Curro

  PS : Ingo, uhmmm, I see now that MSVC is saving pingus.dsp/dsw as text files 
(:?), but I'm handling it in WinCVS as binary ones (and they are saved in 
such way in CVS). Please, just check it; if they are text files, it would be 
good to handle them in the appropiated way, and they would be more "cvs 

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Attachment: pingus.dsp
Description: Text document

Attachment: pingus.dsw
Description: Text document

Attachment: 08132002.diff
Description: Text Data

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