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[RP] Re: support for multiple screens in ratpoison?

From: Yanni Kouskoulas
Subject: [RP] Re: support for multiple screens in ratpoison?
Date: Tue Oct 9 08:05:14 2001

Martin Samuelsson: yes, your picture is what I envisioned when I initially
tried to get rp working on different screens. Each screen has its own
separate window list, with no way to move (for example) window 3 to screen

(your drawing)

   screen A:            screen B:

    __________            __________
   |          |_         |          |_
   | window 0 | |_       | window 3 | |
   |__________|1| |      |__________|4|
     |__________|2|        |__________|

The current behavior of rp is that when you start processes in screen A,
they shows a blank background in screen B, and vice versa, so you cannot
see two windows simultaneously in the two different screens. And
everything is connected with one window list. As Mike Meyer indicates,
splitting a window gets one frame on each screen, but with a gap in
between. I would expect that window to stay within its screen.

Well, I need to consider my options and decide where I am going to go from
here -- either use the Xinerama option and forget about separate window
lists, or fix rp's behavior with multiple screens. I will certainly
contribute a patch if I make any improvements.

Thanks to everyone who responded to my question.


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