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Re: [RP] apologies in advance

From: twb
Subject: Re: [RP] apologies in advance
Date: Tue Sep 9 20:10:09 2003

On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 17:09:13 -0700
John Meacham <address@hidden> wrote:
>         +-----------------------+
>         |05:05:24 PM - Tuesday  |
>         |   09/09/03 - September|
>         |                       |
>         |Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   |
>         |    1  2  3  4  5  6   |
>         | 7  8< 9>10 11 12 13   |
>         |14 15 16 17 18 19 20   |
>         |21 22 23 24 25 26 27   |
>         |28 29 30               |
>         +-----------------------+

Wow, indeed!  It seems to me that everybody probably has a few neat tricks like 
this and we should put them in a doc.

e.g. running Xscreensaver apps with -root (an old one which never seems to 
occur to people.

* In my custom keybinder:

        mod3-shift-period execute "ratpoison -c fdump > ~/.rp-fdump; ratpoison 
-c 'echo fdumped'";
        mod3-shift-comma execute "if [ -f ~/.rp-fdump ]; then ratpoison -c 
"frestore `cat ~/.rp-fdump`"; ratpoison -c 'echo frestored'; else ratpoison -c 
'echo cannot frestore - file not found'; fi ";

dumps/restores a frameset.

* keepalive script (in archives) $@ || exec $0 $@

* direct web search
        mod3-s  execute "ratpoison -c 'colon exec dillo 

* goto gkrellm || run it:
        mod3-i  execute "if (ratpoison -c windows\ %t | grep gkrellm) > 
/dev/null; then ratpoison -c select\ gkrellm; else gkrellm; fi";

None as good as the calendar, though.

 If this doesn't hasten  your monitor's replacement, arrange to "lose"
 the red  signal-pin in the  connector, then suddenly  scream "Arghhh!
 I've gone colour-blind!"
 -- Tanuki

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