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Re: [RP] mouse stuff (you guys are gonna kill me for this one)

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [RP] mouse stuff (you guys are gonna kill me for this one)
Date: Mon Sep 22 12:00:01 2003
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

fist_187 <address@hidden> writes:

> say i'm surfing around with mozilla, so i have one hand on the mouse
> and the other on my keyboard.  for whatever reason, i want to change
> frames... so what if i could just hit [C-t] and then left-mouse-click
> on the frame i wanted to make current?  that would save me a step or 2.
> you could do a lot of things with [C-t]+mouse-button combinations that
> make good navigational sense.  for example:
> [C-t]+leftmouse - select frame below cursor
> [C-t]+rightmouse - same as "[C-t]:select -" on frame below cursor
> [C-t]+middlemouse - same as "[C-t]:other" on frame below cursor
> [C-t]+mwheelup - same as "[C-t]:prev" on frame below cursor
> [C-t]+mwheeldown - same as "[C-t]:next" on frame below cursor
> you get the idea.  yes, ratpoision eliminates the dependence on the
> mouse... but that doesnt mean a mouse is useless.  basically, i want
> the "freedom to leave my hands where they are" option that ratpoison
> gives to the keyboard... except applied to the mouse as well.
> what do the rest of you think?

Hi fist_187,

Thanks for the suggestions. It's true that today, it is convenient
sometimes to use the pointer. But in the end it's because you're used
to or you're using an application that demands that you use the
pointer. Mozilla is aweful for that.

One of the big problems (as I see it) and something ratpoison tried to
help is the constant switching between keyboard and pointer. If you're
using nothing but the keyboard you can do stuff damn fast but as soon
as you switch to the pointer you start slowing down.

As for the frames, do you know about fselect? It allows you to select
frames by number. That might help.

What I don't understand about these pointer clicks is that you have to
press C-t first and then move back to the mouse. Since you're on the
kbd for the C-t, why not stay there? Wouldn't it be faster?

I think what the ratless community really desperately needs is a kbd
only graphical web-browser. I know web is evil and it sucks but
unfortunately, just about everyone uses it...

Ryan and I talked about patching mozilla to include numbered links ala
lynx. I think this is the way to do it for keyboard only control. For
pictures perhaps you'd have a number in the upper left corner or
something. I think Ryan got w3m-el working with some preliminary
numbered links.


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