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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Include the FSF fundraising banner in GNU

From: Assaf Gordon
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Include the FSF fundraising banner in GNU Savannah!.
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 22:06:39 -0500

Hello Mario,

On Dec 12, 2014, at 10:02, Mario Castelán Castro <address@hidden> wrote:

> The FSF has the goal of collecting 525 000 USD by January 31st. I think that 
> GNU Savannah must help them by spreading the fundraising campaign. There's 
> already a small banner asking users to join the FSF as a member, but the 
> fundraising campaign is different from this. What about displaying it in a 
> different color on top of the page as in the GNU project and FSF page?.

This is certainly a worthy campaign.

However it's important to remember that GNU Savannah is maintained by 
volunteers, and not too many of them.
The FSF (and the "";) is maintained by the FSF, which has a 
dedicated full-time web developer and several interns. GNU Savannah does not 
have these resources.

The '' uses apache server-side includes, which allows the FSF 
web-developers to modify the common headers and these changes will propagate on 
many of the pages.

In contrast, GNU Savannah uses an old PHP framework, which is out-dated by 
today's standard (e.g. there's no easy and centralized templating system which 
enables changing a common header in one easy location).

As such, I do not think there's enough man-power to add the FSF campaign banner 
in an acceptable way (one that will be rendered correctly on all pages and on 
all client browsers).

But as always - if there are volunteers who'd like to contribute such changes, 
they are welcomed to help GNU Savannah.
A good starting point is running the savannah code locally, see here:

There might be a simpler way of adding a subtle message on the front page of 
GNU Savannah, but I'm not sure about the effectiveness of such a message.

 - Assaf

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