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[Savannah-hackers] submission of The KnowledgeBase -

From: alan_grow
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of The KnowledgeBase -
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2003 20:42:24 -0400
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A package was submitted to
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Alan Grow <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: The KnowledgeBase
System name: kb
Type: non-GNU

KB is a web KnowledgeBase written in Perl and XSL. Unlike some of the KM 
monsters out there it's just a simple way of sharing and categorically 
organizing knowledge. I use it to do organized brain dumps and then publish 
them. It has been tested with Apache2 under FreeBSD and IIS 5 under Win2k but 
it has a high degree of platform independence nonetheless, and includes a 
command-line interface to all the functionality. At the moment it uses the 
Firebird RDBMS on the backend but I wish to eliminate database dependence in 
the future. It can use a variety of different external XSLT processors 
including xsltproc, Xalan, or msxslt to finish the pages into html. In the 
source tarball are perl scripts, perl modules, XSLT stylesheets, SQL script 
files, CSS files, and a few htmls, all of which I have placed GPL headers on. 
Thanks for looking over this submission.

Other Software Required:
* Firebird RDBMS
* xsltproc or Xalan or msxslt
* Apache2 or IIS 5.0
* Lots of CPAN modules

One of my first tasks when I get the project up is to fully identify all CPAN 
modules that the KB depends on. For your purposes I hope you don't need the 
exact module list, since most Perl modules are Artistic or GPL licensed.

Other Comments:

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