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Re: [Savannah-hackers] Savannah CVS update performance...

From: Vincent Caron
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] Savannah CVS update performance...
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 14:43:29 +0100
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Eric Blossom wrote:

OK.  I just reproduced the same test on the same machine, I'm now down
to 6.3 seconds.  Can you say highly variable...

Apologies, Savannah does have serious slow down problems. It's peak time now, and a gnuradio checkout took me 5m40 locally on the server !

From here, I can see kswapd taking most time, half of the processes in the D state (uninterruptible state = low-level I/O bottleneck I guess), and no a byte of free swap. Conclusion : kswapd is swapping in and out permanently, this machine is in dire of swap space. It only has a 340MB swap for 1GB RAM. The Linux 2.4 VM requires 2GB of swap for proper operation on this hardware.

I higly recommend to enlarge the current swap partition or add a 1,5GB one. Someone is handling this ?

PS: adding some RAM wouldn't hurt, if you have some spare, please feed it to subversions. It would at least help to reduce the time periods where swap is awfully degrading performances.

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