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Re: Outcome of the GNU mentors meeting in IRC

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: Outcome of the GNU mentors meeting in IRC
Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 14:25:50 +0200

Le 3 mai 2013 à 14:13, Jose E. Marchesi <address@hidden> a écrit :

>> - Every participating GNU package decides how many essential and desired
>> slots it wants.  Please send the numbers to address@hidden
>> before Sunday 5 May.
>    So far there are two proposals for Bison, and I'd be happy to
>    mentor both of them.  I'll ask for my co-maintainers for some
>    co-mentors.
> How does that translate into NumberOfEssential/NumberOfDesired?

Hi Jose,

Sorry I had not been clear (bw 2 essentials, or 1 essential and
1 desired).  I don't understand well how I have been understood though:
if I read correctly this table:

| Name          | Essential | Desired |
| classpath     |         2 |       3 |
| wget          |         1 |       2 |
| clisp         |         0 |       0 |
| emacs         |         2 |       2 |
| gnucap        |         1 |       2 |
| gnunet        |         2 |       3 |
| guix          |         0 |       0 |
| hurd          |         1 |       3 |
| libredwg      |         2 |       2 |
| mediagoblin   |         2 |       3 |
| octave        |         3 |       8 |
| prologforjava |         1 |       1 |
| recutils      |         1 |       1 |
| bison         |         1 |       1 |
| gnustep       |         1 |       1 |

you understood this as asking for a single slot?  So Bison is granted
a single slot?

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