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[Swftools-common] Compiling problem ubuntu vs. debian...

From: Jacek Brzeski
Subject: [Swftools-common] Compiling problem ubuntu vs. debian...
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 23:07:37 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051013)

It's a pretty big animation.
I used some actionscript, but just basic ones.

On my debian sarge everything is ok. I just complile swfc mycode.sc and got the output. Now I switched to my second computer, Ubuntu Breezy, AMD64. When I run the same - swfc mycode.sc - i get this:

rfxswf: Warning: num_bits overflow in swf_SetRect
rfxswf: Error: matrix values too large

Don't know what matrix is too large? I don't think my actionscript matrix (not more than 10 positions) are bad... maybe I should allocate memory somehow? What's wrong and why is it ok on debian and not good on ubuntu? I couldn't compile any 'higher' version of swftools, just the "stable one". Tried cvs, developers and from snapshot. Got errors compiling. My computer is wrong? Should I compile it with some flags? I tried to read all docs, but don't know what to do... Any hints?


my code that doesn't compile on ubuntu (matrix values too large). It won't compile since it uses some more library files. You can see the output (previous version) at www.amtel.net.pl;

.flash bbox=280x600 version=6 name="amtel_main0.3.1.swf" fps=25 compress

   .jpeg bg_pict "amtel_flash0.2.0.jpg" quality=85%
   .swf satellite "satelita.swf"

#    .font courier "courier.swf"
# .edittext debugtext font=courier text="alfa" size=20% width=200 height=30 color=blue border multiline wordwrap variable=test1

# .edittext debugtext2 font=courier text="licznik" size=20% width=200 height=30 color=blue border multiline wordwrap variable=test2

.outline arrow_logo_outline:
   M 28,44 L 0,25 L 49,0 L 10,26 L 28,44
.filled arrow_logo_shape outline=arrow_logo_outline fill=#aaaaaa color=#333333

.sprite arrow_logo_blink
   .frame 1
   .put arrow_logo_shape x=0 y=0
     #.frame 20
   #.change arrow_logo_shape alpha=0%

.sprite arrow_logo
   .circle city r=5 fill=#ffffff
   .put city pin=center x=0 y=0 alpha=0%
     .frame 3
   .put arrow_logo_blink 0 -20 pin=center rotate=-90

   .frame 10
   .change arrow_logo_blink 0 30 scale=0%
   .change city x=0 y=30 alpha=0%
     .frame 12
   .change city x=0 y=0 scale=100% alpha=100%

   #.frame 30
   #.change city scale=200% alpha=100%

   .frame 40
   .change arrow_logo_blink 0 30 scale=0% rotate=90
     .frame 45
   .change city scale=300% alpha=0%

   .frame 50
   .change arrow_logo_blink 0 -20 scale=100%

# logo animation
.sprite logo
     .box box_bg 250 120 fill=black color=black

   .filled arrow_logo_shape1 outline=arrow_logo_outline fill=#aaaaaa 
   .filled arrow_logo_shape2 outline=arrow_logo_outline fill=#aaaaaa 
   .filled arrow_logo_shape3 outline=arrow_logo_outline fill=#aaaaaa 

   .outline big_T_outline1:
   M 17,0 L 240,0, L 17,0
   .outline big_T_outline2:
   M 0,18 L 150,19 L 128,67 L 150,19 L 0,18
   .outline big_T_outline3:
   M 153,67 L 174,18 L 223,19 L 174,18 L 153,67

   .filled logo_T1 outline=big_T_outline1 line=1 color=grey
   .filled logo_T2 outline=big_T_outline2 line=1 color=gray
   .filled logo_T3 outline=big_T_outline3 line=1 color=grey

   .put box_bg
   .put arrow_logo_shape1 pin=center x=55 y=5
   .put arrow_logo_shape2 pin=center x=90 y=5
   .put arrow_logo_shape3 pin=center x=125 y=5
   .put logo_T1 x=0 y=0
   .put logo_T2 x=0 y=0
   .put logo_T3 x=0 y=0

# Place Objects, remember about right order
   .put bg_pict pin=center x=140 y=300
   .put satellite pin=center x=200 y=-50 scale=35%

# .put debugtext pin=center x=100 y=400 # .put debugtext2 pin=center x=100 y=450 .put arrow_logo pin=center x=-100 y=-100 scale=50%
   .put logo pin=center x=140 y=547
     .frame 9
   .change satellite x=200 y=-50
   .frame 10
       //# definition of an array of points
       var city = new Array();
       _root.city[0] = 0; // never used!
       _root.city[1] = -1;
       _root.city[2] = 1;
       _root.city[3] = 1;
       _root.city[4] = 0;
       _root.city[5] = -2;
       _root.city[6] = -2;
       _root.city[7] = -2;
       _root.city[8] = 1.5;
       _root.city[9] = 2.5;
       _root.city[10] = 1;
             var points = new Array();
       _root.points[0] = 0; // never used!
       _root.points[1] = -0.5;
       _root.points[2] = -1.2;
       _root.points[3] = -0.98;
       _root.points[4] = -0.8;
       _root.points[5] = -0.4;
       _root.points[6] = -0.96;
       _root.points[7] = -0.3;
       _root.points[8] = -1.3;
       _root.points[9] = -1.3;
       _root.points[10] = -1.4;
             //# current vertical position (angle)
       _root.alfa = -1.5;

       //# current horizontal position (angle)
       _root.betaInit = 2;
       _root.beta = _root.betaInit;

       arrow_logo._visible = false;
       //_root.angle = -1;

   .frame 11
       //# let's take a random number to select a random point
             test1 = "wylosowano";
       test2 = "prowadzi";
             _root.randomNum = 
       satellite._xscale = 35;
       satellite._yscale = 35;
       //# so, points[0] is vertical finish angle of 0-point and so on...
             //# NOT NOT NOT and points[1] is horizontal finish angle 
     .frame 12
       //test1 = _root.alfa;
       test1 = _root.randomNum;
       test2 = _root.points[_root.randomNum];
       //test2 = _root.points[_root.randomNum];

       // if satellite is in posiotion, skip to next chapter ;)
       if (Math.floor(_root.alfa*100) == 
Math.floor(_root.points[_root.randomNum]*100)) {
           test1 = " done!";
       //    stop();
             // if we gotta go up...
       if (_root.alfa > _root.points[_root.randomNum]) {
       _root.alfa -= 0.02;
             // if we gotta go down...
       if (_root.alfa < _root.points[_root.randomNum]) {
       _root.alfa += 0.02;          }

       satellite._x = 175 * Math.cos(_root.alfa) + 75;
       satellite._y = 175  * Math.sin(_root.alfa) + 200;
     .frame 13

   .frame 20
   # now horizontal movement... let's go

       test1 = _root.beta;
       //test1 = _root.randomNum;
       test2 = _root.city[_root.randomNum];
       //test2 = _root.city[_root.randomNum];

       // if satellite is in posiotion
       // set destination to normal orbite
       // or skip to next chapter, cause we're back on the track
             if (Math.floor(_root.beta) == 
Math.floor(_root.city[_root.randomNum])) {
               //test1 = " change dir";
                     // not yet finished
               // ok, we are in the city. let's send some signals...            
             _root.beta -= 0.1;

       satellite._x -= 2;
       satellite._y += (_root.beta) * (_root.beta);
       //satellite._x += 10 * Math.sin(_root.beta);
       //satellite._y -= 3 * Math.cos(_root.beta);
       satellite._xscale += 0.5;
       satellite._yscale += 0.5;
     .frame 21
     .frame 25
       // go back to my orbite!
       if (_root.beta == _root.betaInit) {
           satellite._xscale -= 0.5;
           satellite._yscale -= 0.5;
       else {
           _root.beta += 0.1;
           //satellite._x -= 10 * Math.sin(_root.beta);
           //satellite._y += 3 * Math.cos(_root.beta);
           satellite._x += 2;
           satellite._y -= (_root.beta) * (_root.beta);
           satellite._xscale -= 0.5;
           satellite._yscale -= 0.5;

   .frame 26
     .frame 40

       // ok, we're done. take another random point on earth...
     .frame 100
   # sending the signal to the city...      .action:
       _root.counter = 1;

   .frame 101
   # sending the signal to the city...      .action:
       if (_root.counter > 50) {
           arrow_logo._visible = false;
       else {
           arrow_logo._visible = true;
           arrow_logo._x = satellite._x;
           arrow_logo._y = satellite._y + 35;

   .frame 102
   # sending the signal to the city...      .action:
       _root.counter ++;

.end # End swf movie

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