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Re: [Swftools-common] pdf2swf -s parameters and optimising swf for size

From: Mark Lee
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] pdf2swf -s parameters and optimising swf for size and quality
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 06:04:39 -0700 (PDT)

A couple questions following up on what Tim asked, though not in the same vein:
(1) Does the -s have to be written before each paramater or can it be used for an array, like -s multiply=1 subpixels=n?
(2) Does "multiply" affect the dimension of the swf that is output?





From: German Geek <address@hidden>
To: SWF Tools <address@hidden>
Sent: Mon, April 12, 2010 2:03:01 AM
Subject: [Swftools-common] pdf2swf -s parameters and optimising swf for size and quality

Hi again,

First of all, thanks for the effort on this great piece of free software!

1. I've been playing with -s parameters, which seem to give the user a lot of options on how to enhance and optimise the resulting swf for quality and size. This is great! However, when using '-s multiply=1.5' for example it seems to give the same result as '-s multiply=1'. Is it possible that in a future version this could be enhanced or is there some technical limitation why one cannot give "-s multiply=1.5"? I would also like to use '-s multiply=0.5' btw.

2. Also, I noticed when using '-s bitmap' that the text gets jpegged, i.e. it goes blurry or gets jpeg artifacts. It would be great if in a future version the text could be stored as a png and the images as jpeg in the swf (if that is possible) in the case of '-s bitmap'.

3. On another note/question: What exactly does '-s subpixels=n' do? I tried it with a PDF and otherwise giving the same parameters it gave me a file that was bigger than the first one. (First one was subpixels=8, second was subpixels=4) which I found strange since it should reduce the quality.

Even without answering these questions: Thank you so much for writing and maintaining this software.



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