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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Handling of \. Index ordering. Footnotes

From: David Allouche
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Handling of \. Index ordering. Footnotes
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 11:22:14 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 01:25:10AM +0200, Álvaro Tejero Cantero wrote:
> I have a text. Let's supose this very line is that text. 
> Now I decide I want to turn it blue, or apply an environment. If I
> select the line and press \, I get the text as the macro name. Is this
> useful for somebody?. Instead, it could be picked as the first argument
> of the macro, saving some copying&pasting.

I agree completely. I often ran into that misfeature.

> Another question: is it correct to put all CAPS-starting words first in
> an index, then all small caps?

That is definitely not correct.

Lexicographic sorting is a very complicated issue, with countless
local exceptions. TeXmacs should definitely rely on the system's
international facility to do the sorting.

The order of caps is only one problem. Other problems include the
influence of non-alphabetic symbols and the order of letters with
diacritical symbols attached.

I added this wish at:

> And finally, the footnote macro is implemented with this form:
>    5. asdfjañsldkfjasñldkfjasñdlfkjasñldfkjañsldfkjasñldfkjañsld
> asldfjañsldkfjañsldkfjañsdlfkjasñdlfkjasdfalsdkfjañsldkfjañlkjñlkj
> asdfasdfasdfasdf.
> Isn't it preferable like this?:
> 5. asdfjañsldkfjasñldkfjasñdlfkjasñldfkjañsldfkjasñldfkjañsld
>    asldfjañsldkfjañsldkfjañsdlfkjasñdlfkjasdfalsdkfjañsldkfjañlkjñlkj
>    asdfasdfasdfasdf.
> I find it more pleasing, though I am no expert and I see LaTeX does it
> like TeXmacs.

The safe behaviour is to consider whatever typographic rule is used by
default in LaTeX is the right thing. Unless proved otherwise.

David Allouche         | GNU TeXmacs -- Writing is a pleasure
Free software engineer |    http://www.texmacs.org
   http://ddaa.net     |    http://alqua.com/tmresources
   address@hidden  |    address@hidden
TeXmacs is NOT a LaTeX front-end and is unrelated to emacs.

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