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[Texmacs-dev] [PATCH] string API extension: search and replace

From: Felix Breuer
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] [PATCH] string API extension: search and replace
Date: 13 Nov 2002 00:49:29 +0100

Hello Joris!

I have been doing experiments with adding XML import/export support to
TeXmacs and I needed functions to search and replace substrings of a
string. So I wrote four functions: search, search_all, replace,
replace_all that search/replace the first/all occurrences of a
search-string in a base string (see comments in the code for details). 

This patch merely adds those four functions to string.hh/string.cc. If
you find them useful, please apply the patch.

Regarding XML support: Has anybody started working in this? Is there a
'roadmap' or something similar? If yes, I would be willing to give a
helping hand. If not, is there interest in my attempts at a rudimentary
implementation? I have begun work on a simple import/export filter
to/from xml. I don't think it will be an anywhere-near-optimal solution
but as a converter is pretty isolated from the rest of texmacs's code
working incrementally would not hurt and it might further the


Attachment: string_search_and_replace.patch
Description: Text Data

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