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Re: [Texmacs-dev] HTML, XML, XSLT (was: texmacs installation problem)

From: PUYDT Julien
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] HTML, XML, XSLT (was: texmacs installation problem)
Date: 16 Nov 2002 21:35:39 +0100

Le sam 16/11/2002 à 13:40, Álvaro Tejero Cantero a écrit :

> In the alqua [1] project for the publishing of free books we want to

free as in freedom or as in zero-priced? This is a double meaning
english word, and I couldn't understand most of the site (only
international mathematical words)...

> switch to using TeXmacs for primarily mathematical content. This is
> because of a structural reason, not merely because of technical ones.
> TeXmacs merges visualization and edition, and thus lends itself better
> than (source+output) approaches to the edition cycle of open content (I
> see this is wrong, I change it immediatly). 

I had already thought about a similar project, and came to the same
conclusion: more people will be able to help with a wysiwyg editor.

> My question is if math is being considered in the whole discussion, or
> only the most basic HTML structure, so that the website (which is simple
> in structure) can  be exported from TeXmacs. Would XSLT be able to
> generate a reasonable representation for math? (note that alqua.com
> pages use the mathematical features of HTML 3.2, not images. Hevea or
> TTH prefer this approach, while LaTeX2html uses raster formats for the
> formulas).

About the mathematical formulas on alqua's site in html: it is either
badly rendered in galeon 1.2.6, or your notations aren't known to me
(very unlikely).

> I do not see clearly which is the best route, but anyway, I wrote this
> to introduce a user perspective on the whole HTML output issue. Of
> course, it is sensible to start with the webpage, because it is the
> easiest to do.

I also answer on the dev-ml and not privately (although I feel a little
offtopic) for the same reason: being able to put an article (or the
correction of some homework) in a directly readable form on the web
would be nice...

Snark on #texmacs (when I'll have a decent connection again)

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