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Re: [Texmacs-dev] New web site

From: Philippe Audebaud
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] New web site
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 09:06:05 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Using 'linklint', remote checking amounts to running the command

      'linklint @tmweb.in' 

where 'tmweb.in' has the following contents (quick test along the lines
of Linkint web site 'remote1.in' example) :

,----[ cat tmweb.in ]
| #===========================================================================
| # file: >>tmweb.in<< example input file for TeXmacs / tmweb.  
| #
| # Checks the files of the tmweb site at texmacs.org via HTTP protocol.
| #
| #===========================================================================
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| # -http tells Linklint to check via HTTP protocol
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -http
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| # -host means treat links to http://host as local links when checking site.  
| #       If we didn't use this  for local checking then 
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -host www.texmacs.org
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| # -doc is the directory where all the output files go.  It also tells
| #      Linklint to create complete documentation.
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -doc tmweb
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| # -htmlonly remove redundant *.txt files from the -doc directory
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| -htmlonly
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| # The following linksets say to just check these directories
| #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| /tmweb/contribute/#
| /tmweb/manual/#
| /tmweb/contact/#
| /tmweb/home/#
| /tmweb/tutorial/#
| /tmweb/help/#
| /tmweb/about/#
| /tmweb/plugins/#
| /tmweb/download/#
| #=== END ===================================================================
also joined as an attachment with this mail.

Here is the main output 

,---- [ elinks tmweb/error.html -dump ]
|  host: www.texmacs.org
|  date: Sun, 02 Nov 2003 08:48:27 (local)
|  Linklint version: 2.3.5
|  #------------------------------------------------------------
|  # ERROR   4 missing html files
|  #------------------------------------------------------------
|  /tmweb/about/tminfo.en.html
|  /tmweb/contact/donations.en.html
|  /tmweb/contribute/Mail.html
|  /tmweb/develop/develop.en.html
|  #------------------------------------------------------------
|  # ERROR  11 missing other files
|  #------------------------------------------------------------
|  /tmweb/Data/TeXmacs-tutorial.tar.gz
|  /tmweb/Data/TeXmacs.pdf
|  /tmweb/about/$TEXMACS_PATH/LICENSE
|  /tmweb/download/ftp
|  /tmweb/download/ftp/rpm
|  /tmweb/download/ftp/targz
|  /tmweb/manual/$TEXMACS_PATH/LICENSE
|  /tmweb/manual/$TEXMACS_PATH/examples/plugins/minimal/src/minimal.cpp
|  /tmweb/manual/$TEXMACS_PATH/examples/plugins/multiline/src/multiline.cpp
|  /tmweb/manual/$TEXMACS_PATH/examples/plugins/nested/src/nested.cpp
|  /tmweb/manual/$TEXMACS_PATH/progs/convert/html/init-html.scm

Philippe Audebaud

Attachment: tmweb.in
Description: tmweb check with linklint

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