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[Texmacs-dev] Re: C++'s frustrations

From: Henri Lesourd
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Re: C++'s frustrations
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 16:19:45 +0200
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Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

Henri Lesourd wrote:

 Probably under Linux it works most of the time,


 and under windows
 it's more often broken:

MSVC is really the defacto standard (KDE, python, LyX, etc all use it). I don't see the problem here. In any case, I think, but I am not sure, Borland and Intel compilers are compatible while Mingw's g++-3.2 is not

Thus there is a problem: we need to go into the
business of telling plugins implementors which
tool to use.

(not sure about recent version of g++). So yes, I think that choosing either MSVC or Mingw would be a hard requirement for plugin developer. Or you can just see those two compilers as two different platforms and deliver a TeXMacs binary for both. That is exactly what the KDE on Windows people do by the way.

Interesting information.

 Or perhaps do you have some other interesting new information about
 C++ which could cure my doubts ?

I hope my argument above did so. I don't think that imposing a compiler for plugin development is a very hard requirement,

The problem is that in such a situation, ultimately
it's the *final user* which will have to deal with
these issues: he will have a TeXmacs installed,
download a plugin, and then he will need to be
able to figure out that this compiler compatibility
problem *exists* (first), and then figure out how
he can obtain the address@hidden related info...

especially nowadays where you can have free (as in beer) compiler on all platforms.

Free is not the only criterion: not forcing users to
think about issues they should never have to enter in
the first place is another important point.

It's the very point M$ understood perfectly, and
that OSS operating systems repeatedly missed since
the very beginning, by the way...

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