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Sourceforge page purpose

From: Frederico S. Muñoz
Subject: Sourceforge page purpose
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 15:15:54 +0000

Hello all,

After the previous remarks about the sf.net page and the gnu.org page
and the possibility of merging them, etc, I have talked to other
hurd.sf.net members and this is just about the final opinion over things
(these are my words):

The hurd.sf.net page should be independent of the gnu.org one, in the
sense that it should be continued ad also provided information to
users/developers; having said that, there's no need to say that any
content that get's into sourceforge's page can be used in gnu.org page.
The trick here is: the gnu.org page is an official page for the
GNU/Hurd, and as such IMHO it should focus on more mature things (not as
mature as 4 years, but things that aren't totally experimental and that
could even lead to nowhere), while at the same time following every
gnu.org policy in the book and, in fact, being the central and principal
page for users, developers and ppl that want to know about the Hurd; the
sf.net page could, since it's unofficial, include things that are much,
much more immature, and also contain links to things that fall short of
gnu policy (e.g. VMWare install instructions, for example).

I don't know if I'm making myself clear on this... I don't whant pll to
misunderstand me.

There is a need for a page that could be fed with all sorts of contents
without much care, and I think that that is sf.net page purpose (don't
mistake this with a bad-maintained page).

As I said previously I'm also available to any work on the hurd.gnu.org
page (in fact to any gnu.org work that is needed), and I could even
migrate any contents that get's into sf.net page; bear in mind that that
page will be linked to the gnu.org one in a lot of points, the good
thing about having that extra page is that sf. also makes available
several extra facilities).

I hope I have explained myself correctly.

Best Regards,

Frederico Serrano Muñoz         GNU: http://www.gnu.org
address@hidden  Debian: http://www.debian.org

SDF - Public Access Unix Systems - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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