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[Wxruby-dev] RubyForge...

From: Richard Kilmer
Subject: [Wxruby-dev] RubyForge...
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 23:04:41 -0400

I posted to this to RubyTalk...



I want to announce that we (InfoEther) have stood up a community server for Ruby projects here:


This runs GForge (http://www.gforge.org), and provides sourceforge/savannah-like capabilities for Ruby projects (cvs/web/files/mail/bugs/etc). I already moved my jabber4r library (http://jabber4r.rubyforge.org) over and have a little surprise project started there also (rendezvous for Ruby).

The current RubyForge admin is my InfoEther cohort, Tom Copeland, who also has committer rights to GForge...so we will be well supported. I cannot say that we can host everyone's projects, but we will do so for as many as we can. The system is UPS'ed and backups are automatic both onsite and offsite...and yes...it is in my basement (if PragDave can run RubyGarden, I can run this :-)

Tom is also working on a Ruby script to export Sourceforge project data and import it into RubyForge, so for those that have pre-existing projects we can help in moving them if you want to.

If you have questions, please email me directly, or post a question/comment through the support project (http://rubyforge.org/projects/support/) on RubyForge.

I'd like to offer a special thanks to Tom Copeland and Dave Craine for setting up this machine/service:

    class String; def thanks!; puts "Thanks #{self}!"; end; end
    %w{ Tom Dave }.each { | dude | dude.thanks! }


Kevin...I would really like wxruby on RubyForge. Curt has said as much, but l'll leave it up to you as whether you want to, and if so when.



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