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Re: [XBoard-devel] Windows Installer

From: Tim Mann
Subject: Re: [XBoard-devel] Windows Installer
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 15:06:54 -0800

On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 09:57:41 -0800, Mark Ioli <address@hidden> wrote:
> Sure, I can work on that. I actually made a package for 4.2.7 that just 
> tests the basic features, pretty much just copies the files that end up 
> in the install directory. Tested creating the Start Menu shortcuts, just 
> need to work on the uninstaller part.

Great!  I'll attach a copy of the InstallShield project files in case
that helps you spot anything you might have missed.

> Also, using the best compression I 
> got the exe size down around 3.5MB, which is a big improvement.

I think the main contributor to the large size of the current 4.2.7
package is the GNU Chess 5 book, but maybe that will compress well too.

> I think just distributing GNU Chess 5 would be fine. If we did keep 2 
> engines though what do you think about including Crafty?

That's OK with me.  It would probably make a lot of users happy.  There
will need to be a book for Crafty included too, of course.

Another thing some people ask for is a WinBoard-only installer to make
for a smaller download.  You don't have to do that if it's a lot more

Tim Mann  address@hidden  http://tim-mann.org/

Attachment: winboard-inst.zip
Description: Zip archive

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