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[XBoard-devel] ICS context menu

From: h.g. muller
Subject: [XBoard-devel] ICS context menu
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 18:49:40 +0100

Is there a special reason tht the ICS menu only pops up on the up-click
of the right mouse button? I would rather have it pop up on the down-click,
so that the up-click can already be used to select an item. (Just like the
X-toolkit menus work.) Up-clicking outside the menu can always be used
to fix the menu in place until the next click.

The reason is that some people seem to think it is all important to immediately
open a Chat Box to a person when you click its handle, rather than going through a menu first. I already put that item on the menu, but now it requires a second click. What I would like is to pop up the menu on the down click in such a way that the top-most item is under the mouse pointer, so that an up-click wthout moving selects it. As the menu is entirely configurable in the ini file, people could then assign whatever function they like on the single static right-click. I could create a possibility to leave it empty for people that do not want a default action, but always want to
see the full menu before they select anything.

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